There's Many Options For Car Audio Devices

Car audio devices have gone from a nice accessory to an absolute must have. A good car audio system can provide entertainment from music or talk radio. It can also be the link between you and business associates during important calls. Car audio devices continue to expand their features and have truly become large “infotainment” systems. While many car manufacturers have done a good job of adapting to this trend, there’s always going to be a place in the world for aftermarket audio devices. These can please the pure audiophile with nearly flawless sound quality. However, there’s a lot going on in modern car audio devices. There’s extra features that would have been unheard of in the past. This article will attempt to provide an introduction to the world of car audio devices. 

Aftermarket Car Audio Devices

A lot of people get excited about aftermarket car audio. There’s a good reason for this. A lot of car audio systems are incredibly disappointing. The speakers are very weak and the car audio systems don’t produce excellent sound quality. 

This can be a good reason to look into an aftermarket car audio device. There’s a variety of different sizes of audio devices and not all will fit into the same vehicle. The Single DIN is 7 inches by 2 inches and is the most common option. The Double DIN increases the height to 4 inches and often has a touchscreen or pull out touchscreen. Finally, there may be irregular sized car stereos created by manufacturers. Unfortunately, these will usually require an OEM replacement. 

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Car Audio Features

While sound quality is of course the most important thing in a car audio device, that’s not the only thing important anymore. There’s a wide variety of features that need to be included in a good car audio system. Some of them include: 

  • CD/DVD Use - While CDs are certainly becoming obsolete, it’s good to be covered in case you prefer to avoid using data or devices to convey music through your car audio. DVD use can keep children amused in the same way. 
  • Bluetooth Connectivity - This is a must with car audio devices as it’s just not safe enough to drive around without it these days. Bluetooth allows for calls to be taken safely and ensures easy connectivity with devices. 
  • USB Inputs - While bluetooth is great, having a USB input can make things just as convenient and safe. This is especially useful if you prefer a huge library of audio files on a portable hard drive. 
  • MirrorLink - This is a relatively new technology which allows a car audio system to mirror a phone onto the device. The best versions also allow the device to be controlled. This makes it easy to toss a phone into the glove box and just drive with less distractions. 
  • Device Compatibility - Many car audio devices now feature a link to the Apple CarPlay or Android Auto software systems, as well as others. 

Apple CarPlay and Android Auto

These two compatible software integrations are becoming standard on more and more vehicles. They are designed to allow for a safe use of many phone features easily through the car buttons and controls. This makes things both convenient and safe. There’s far less of a chance of a driver becoming distracted while using either Apple CarPlay or Android Auto. In some cases, it’s possible to even use a variety of car safe apps at the same time through voice or car controls. Some people may wonder which is better. The simple answer is that neither is “better” than the other. They simply provide the same service to whichever phone you prefer. 

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