Use This Guide to Help Save Money On Your Car Insurance

Examining all of your monthly bills is a process that likely awakens some unpleasant surprises, and one of those shocking factors might be your car insurance payment. The amount of money that you're paying toward car insurance each month could go to other financial endeavors if you employ some money-saving tips. When you're negotiating on car insurance, you should speak with a representative either over the phone or in person to obtain the clearest answers. If you currently have car insurance, a smart step to take is to chat with your current provider. Don't assume that the price you have now is the one that you must keep. Perhaps you have a long-standing history with the insurance company, which may encourage the representative to provide a price that retains you as a customer. On the other hand, you should also know when the time has come to walk away and to move to an insurance provider that offers a more reasonable deal. Try these tips to get a better deal. 

1 - Make Some Calls

Obtaining price quotations online for car insurance is possible, but the best idea is to speak with a person. Chatting with a representative at an agency can introduce you to deals that you didn't know were even an option. However, you need to call more than one agency. Absolutely do not assume that the first price you obtain is the standard for all car insurance companies. Calling around could literally end up saving you hundreds of dollars per month.

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2 - Take Advantage of Driving Safely

If you have a poor driving record, you are likely to see higher car insurance rates. While you cannot change your driving record overnight, you can start working now to create a more financially sound future. Also, ask about devices that can be placed on the car to track safe driving. These tools are available from multiple car insurance companies; once you demonstrate safe driving skills for a set period of time, you can receive a discount on insurance.

3 - Enroll in a Driving Course

Many car insurance companies will provide a discount on your insurance if you enroll in a defensive driving course. Typically, these courses take several hours on one day to complete. For example, you might put in the regular hours of a workday on a Saturday to get the course done. Ensure that all drivers on your policy take the class so that the price goes down as much as possible.

4 - Bundle Your Policies

A decent chance exists that you have more than one insurance policies, and bundling these policies together can lead to some significant savings. Absolutely make certain that all of the cars in your household are on the same policy to generate savings. Furthermore, in the event that you have a house, boat or other possession that needs insurance, opt for bundling here as well.

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5 - Changing Locations

Of course, you cannot move in an instant simply to save money on your car insurance, but you could consider the money-saving benefits in regards to car insurance as part of a larger plan to relocate. In other words, living in some areas is likely to land you with higher car insurance rates than residing in other neighborhoods. If, for example, car theft is a common crime in your community, you may see some high insurance rates. In the event that you are moving out of your parents' home for the first time, consider how where you go might affect your insurance rates.

6 - Submit Your Grades

If you’re still young and in high school or college, having high grades can get you both scholarships and lower prices on car insurance. High school and college students alike can look into these types of deals. Each car insurance company is going to have its own parameters when it comes to the grades that you need. You may need to have a certain grade point average, or the insurance company may need a copy of your letter grades in each course. When you don't currently have good grades, ask the insurance company about how much you need to improve to get that type of discount.

7 - Announce Your Job

Your job could potentially help you to save money on car insurance. Even if the type of job that you have does not bring the price down, professional affiliations could. For example, in the event that you work at a college or university, your insurance company might have an affiliated discount. Also, you should ask about other professional organizations to which you belong because these memberships could generate discounts.

8 - Negotiate

When these techniques aren't working out for you, you could try simply asking for a discount. Let the representative know that you cannot afford the price that has been given to you. Asking for a discount is definitely not a guarantee of getting one. However, if you do not take the time to ask for a discount, you are certainly not going to get one. While you should not become demanding and rude, do know that asking for a lower price is a common inquiry that these representatives here. You won't sound unusual for asking.

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