Is Your Vehicle In Need of An Emissions Test?

It’s well known that cars and motor vehicles are technically pollutants. It’s been known for a while and much has been done to reduce the amount of pollution that they produce. Modern cars use smaller and more efficient engines that produce less of an issue. As cars are driven over time, they can sometimes become less efficient and produce far more pollutants. This is why emissions testing is important.

Many vehicles need to get an emissions test. While these started in California, the tests are now required in many states. These tests will determine if a vehicle is environmentally fit to be on the road in the first place. In many states, if you don’t get your vehicle emissions tested, it can result in you getting fined or potentially even getting your license suspended. 

What is an Emissions Test? 

Emissions tests use an apparatus which tests the output from an exhaust pipe. It tests for a number of different things. Levels of carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide and hydrocarbons are usually what’s sought. When vehicles fail, it’s because something is deteriorated within the engine and exhaust systems. There’s good news though. If a vehicle fails an emissions test, this doesn’t mean that it’s junk. Failed emissions can be repaired, just like any other car problem. 

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It should be noted that an emissions test is not a safety inspection. Emissions tests are very specific. They will have their own cost unless they are bundled in with other services. Many re-sellers of cars will ensure that all of their vehicles pass emissions tests before trying to sell them on. Private sales may not do so and that should be a consideration. 

When Do You Need an Emissions Test

Quite simply, the answer to this question is rather varied. Right now there are 32 different states that require emissions testing. The best way to think of it is that if your car is older, then it might require a test. In many cases it’s after 15 years. The tests themselves may be required once per year, or sometimes it can be every couple of years. The type of test varies too. In some cases, it’s a full test of pollutants. Other times, it might just be a visual test looking for visual smoke. There’s several factors that can play a role in if you need a test. They include: 

  • Age of Vehicle - The older the car, the more likely it needs a test. 
  • Location - Many people who live in urban areas have to undergo emissions testing to help reduce city smog. 
  • Vehicle Type - There are some vehicles which are exempt from emissions testing. 
  • Fuel Type - In most cases, electric and some hybrid vehicles are exempt from having to 
  • Usage Type - Oftentimes, high use vehicles like taxis might have to get emissions testing to ensure that they aren’t spewing large amounts of environmental poison during their heavy use. 

The best way to know is to check with your state department of motor vehicles. Alternatively, a quick search online about state emissions testing can usually get you the answer you need.

How to Find an Emissions Test

If you’re unsure about the state of your emissions with your vehicle, you should probably figure out if you need to get it tested. Check out and choose your state. If your state requires you to get an emissions test, then the next step is to find a location. 

The good news is that emissions testing has become quite common. There are hundreds of locations across the country which can provide the testing. The first step should be to check with your mechanic. They may be able to provide the test, or worst case they will know where it can be completed. Almost any car dealership can also provide an emissions test as long as you book a time with them. 

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